Was? Aerial-Wochenende mit Angelina Usmanova
Wann? 30-31. Juli
Wo? TRAP, Rappachgasse 26, 1110 Wien
Aerial Weekend with Angelina Usmanova, founder of Inversion Aerial Studio in Kyiv. Duo Hoop and Silks, Dynamic Moves. Learn new transitions and advance tricks!
About Angelina:
Angelina Usmanova, master of sports in gymnastics, Ukrainian champion in aesthetics gymnastics, aerial and pole coach, Ukrainian judge. Founder of Inversion Aerial studios in Kyiv.
- Students- Ukrainian champions at the ages of 6-12
- coaches experience-10 years
- workshops in Doha (Brava studio), Dubai (Pole Angels), Poland (Summer pole meetings), all Ukrainian cities.
- Aerial gymnast :
- China-circus
- Dubai -Cavalli Club
- dinner show in Palais des Etoilies Germany).
- Gymnast in “Dumbo” (Walt Disney Studio, Tim Burton),
- Ukrainian TV shows( Ukrainian top model, Game of Talents)
- champion Pole Theatre Latvia 2019- Exotic duo
Contact for more info: +43 681 202 95433
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/usmanovaangy/