Basic Workshop Welding and Metal Working

Basic Workshop Welding and Metal Working


16:00 - 19:00


Event Type

We, the CRAP Workshop, invite you to join our basic workshop for welding and metal working at the CRAP Workhsop. Aim of the workshop is to teach you the basics about welding (MAG – metal active gas) and metal working (drilling, cutting, grinding).Date: 02-27-2023
Time: 4-7 pm
Place: SchloR, Rappachgasse 26, 1110 ViennaNo previous knowledge required. Please bring work clothes (cotton, work shoes) and FFP2 mask.Registration via email: (total of 8 slots)suggested donation: 20-40 € pp (suggested means, less is also possible)If you don’t have time but are interested in these kinds of workshops, please also write us. 

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