CHECK OUT www.queerzilla.org
Registration for workshops now online!
Anmeldung für Workshops jetzt online!
CHECK OUT www.queerzilla.org
Registration for workshops now online!
Anmeldung für Workshops jetzt online!
16.-18. of September 2022 there will be a (queer-) feminist festival at SchloR in Simmering.
After two years of pandemic with social isolation, social contact restrictions, and many uncertainties and anxieties we (FLINTA*- Crew made up from various contexts) would like to create a feminist space, where we can meet, network, exchange ideas or simply celebrate together. Way too often there aren’t enough spaces for FLINTA* people and queers. This was especially noticeable during the pandemic. Many of us provide the majority of Care-Work in our immediate environment, having had to struggle through the difficulties of maintaining social relationships during the pandemic. It’s time to create as many spaces as possible for and with FLINTA* people and queers!
There will be workshops, readings, theater shows, concerts and film screenings, where individuals, groups and various collectives will have the opportunity to network, start discourses, have fun and get to know each other!
More Infos coming soon!
We also invite FLINTA* people to contribute with ideas! If you are interested please send an Email to:
*FLINTA: Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Non Binary, Trans, Agender – Personen